Week 7 Story, The Sphinx

The Regal and Proud Sphinx. ( Source ) Once, long long ago, when the world was filled with more mystery and magic, a group of hunters wandered the woods. They were pursuing a deer they had wounded when they came upon a pond in the woods. They thirsted, as they had been pursing the deer for many hours. One knelt to take a drink when a voice resounded through the clearing the pond resided in. "Answer me my queries before you take of my water." The hunter was strong and proud, and was not one to be told what to do or how to act. He cupped the water to his lips, and instantly fell down, dead. The other hunters drew back. Some fled, thinking the site was haunted or cursed. Some simply suspected the water was poisoned and ignored their thirst. But the youngest, who perhaps had more curiosity than sense, stepped forward and said "I will answer your questions." Out of the woods stalked a sphinx. It sat proudly at the edge of the water, the tip of its tail fli...