Reading Notes, Mahabharata, Part D

The Horse Sacrifice

  • I just can't get into this one like I could the Ramayana
  • Lots of fight scenes in Indian literature
  • Its almost in stanzas, like poetry
  • I can't keep track of all the characters and their relationships, its like Game of Thrones
  • interesting tidbit, Duryodhana can stay underwater indefinitely
  • ""Ashwatthaman is a brahmin, and Vishnu, the greatest of the gods" I appreciate order of operations, first a brahmin, second Vishnu
  • It is okay to partake of unclean food if one's life is in peril
    • Righteousness sometimes looks like unrighteousness
  • See the horse sacrifice again
  • Neat. Land of women warriors
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, By  Arnold, Besant, Devee, Dutt, Ganguli, Kincaid, Macfie, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Seeger, and Tagore.


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