Reading Notes, Mahabharata Video, Part B

Bhima fighting the nagas.

  • Neat that Kunti was the only one not scared of the sage, and as such was his favorite. She spoke her mind and didn't try to bow to him.
  • There is so much about women being impure if they are even kidnapped, but Kunti had a child and no one bats an eye. Maybe because it's with a god?
  • 101 vats of oil, but only 100 pieces of blob and 100 children?
  • I guess all snakes are sea snakes?
  • The underwater kingdom of the sea snakes, Nagaloka, is a really neat setting. I could give a story from the perspective of a villager snake of Bheema's arrival, just so I could have fun with the setting.
  • Not sure how Vasuki is related to Bheema.
  • What does Drona want vengeance for?
  • The whole thing surrounding Eklavya is so pretentious and classist. The Pandavas get all mad that their teacher might have taught some rando, and feel betrayed that they were not his only students. But in actuality, Drona would never teach anyone other than royalty. You go Eklavya. Kick Kshatrya ass, even without a proper teacher.
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, By Epified


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