Reading Notes, Mahabharata, Part B

Draupadi and the Pandavas Brothers

  • They straight up murdered some low-caste people. or at least were intentionally responsible for their deaths.
  • Interesting. Polyandry.
  • Disguise themselves, win the princess's hand
  • All 5 brothers are a single incarnation of Indra.
  • "I cannot waiver from the truth. Truth is my only weapon."
  • Story of the alligator princess
  • Lots of defiance of traditional gender in this story.
  • He wagered himself before wagering Draupadi, so he couldn't lose her.
  • How did he lose if his dice were loaded?
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, By  Arnold, Besant, Devee, Dutt, Ganguli, Kincaid, Macfie, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Seeger, and Tagore.


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