Reading Notes, Mahabharata, Part A

The Pandavas Brothers

  • So much politics! So many people to keep straight!
  • Fisherman's daughter might make a good story
  • Story of Ganga drowning her kids
  • Go Amba. Kill the dude. Be a fierce battle chick.
    • Damn. She has to become a man.
  • Story of Karna is similar to story of Moses
  • "I do not blame you for your having killed a deer, or for the injury you have done to me. But, instead of acting so cruelly, you should have waited till the completion of my act of intercourse."
  • Fighting over who /gets/ to die on their husband's funeral pyre.
    • Hindu mythology is metal.
  • The snake poison counteracted the poison poison
  • Why does severing your thumb cause you to draw a bow with your middle finger?
Bibliography: The Mahabharata, By  Arnold, Besant, Devee, Dutt, Ganguli, Kincaid, Macfie, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Seeger, and Tagore.


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