Week 3 Story: Shoorpankha's Trick

Author's note: In the Ramayana, Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana are in exile. The demon Shoorpankha sees Rama and Sita, and lusts after Rama. She tries to persuade him to marry her. Rama, in his perfection, sees her for what she is and rebukes her. Shoorpankha goes to her brother, Ravana, and tells him of Sita's beauty, hoping if he steals Sita, then Rama can be hers. It works, and Ravana falls madly in love with Sita. He has his uncle, Marecha disguise himself as a golden deer and present himself to Sita. Sita demands that Rama capture the deer for her, despite his warning that it is a trap, which leads to her eventual capture. I did not like the infallibility of Rama. It is boring to have a character that is So Perfect, in my opinion. I also did not like that it is Sita's greed for the Golden Deer that allows her to be captured. So, in my story, no one is perfect. Sita, Rama, and Lakshmana are all deceived in one way or another. And, without spoiling the ending, I chose to...