Class Technology Review

Many of the technology tools for this class interact and intertwine.
Most of the technology tools we will use in this class are pretty familiar, though I haven't done much with graphics creation. One technology tool that is completely new to me is Twine. I have read the "Create Your Own Adventure" books, but I've never seen the digital form. I feel like that is a much more difficult form of storytelling, to keep not only one plot line in your head, but many. One would have to be very aware of each individual branch, and be sure not to reference any plot points from a branch that the reader did not go down.

I find it interesting you suggest Google Docs for our writing. I have mainly used it when collaborating with others in a group project, so that we can all work on a single document at the same time. I know others who use it just because they have several computers they work on, and that way they don't have to worry about version control or flash drives. I much prefer Word, myself. I feel like it has more functionality and an easier interface. I'm curious what leads to your preference for Docs over Word?


  1. Great question, Alex! For me, EVERYTHING goes online first. I may or may not end up writing something for print eventually... but everything goes online first. And Word is terrible at anything online; Microsoft has tried, sort of, to figure out the Internet, but they've been chasing Google Docs all this time, following, not leading. I love the way that I can access my Google Docs anywhere where there is Internet, share with anyone, collaborate with anyone, publish Docs like a website, etc. etc. Those are all the goals Google had in mind from the start when they built Google Docs, while Word was originally all about sending things to the printer, and it's still mostly about sending things to the printer. Me: I'm paper-free! And I like it that way. :-)


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