Introduction to Your Friendly Local Nerd

Hi! My name is Alex. I'm a senior mechanical engineering major. With any luck, I will graduate this semester. After I graduate, I hope to go to grad school at CU Boulder, to get a degree in mechanical engineering with a research focus of robotics and systems design.

As you may be able to guess, I love robots. I have been part of the competitive robotics team for four years now, and am currently the president. You can check us out here if you're interested in seeing what we do, but here's a few pictures anyway because I think they're neat.

The early stages of this year's IEEE bot.

A prototype of his year's RoboMagellan bot.

I also work with robots. I work for the KISS Institute of Practical Robotics, where I get to teach kids about coding and robots, which is ridiculously cool, and a ton of fun. I also build the controllers the kids use, but that's not nearly as interesting or fun.

I'm also an officer for Engineers' Club. We do lots of fun social events and some professional development too. A fun tidbit for the day, St. Patrick is the patron saint of engineers, so if you ever visit the Engineering Quad, you may notice shamrocks and green everywhere, in particular green owls. This goes back to when the engineers and the lawyers were involved in a prank war, of which one of the pranks the engineers played was to paint the symbol of the law college, the owl, (specifically the two owls in the eves of the old law barn) green, the color of engineering. To this day, they remain green.

When I have free time, I enjoy reading and sewing. Right now, I am reading An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green. Its a fascinating commentary on the role social media play in our lives, and how it affects those who "go viral", with a healthy dose of Giant Space Robots for good measure. A few of my favorite authors are Markus Zusak are Neil Gaiman. They both have fantastically unique styles. If I get the chance, I love hiking, camping, and skiing. However, these things generally require mountains, of which Oklahoma has few to none.

Other miscellaneous interests include tea, and my kitten, Lilly, who is pictured below. She is a beautiful princess and I love her so.

Because everyone loves cat pictures.


  1. Oh, this is wonderful, Alex: I have never heard this St. Patrick / green-owl engineering legend before. What fun! The divine patron of engineers in India is Vishvakarman: his name means the : the all-maker (vishva-all, karman-maker).

    And on the subject of robots and legend, I read a fantastic book over the break: Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology by Adrienne Mayor. It's available as an Amazon Kindle ... and it's mostly about Greek legends, but she also talks about Hindu and Buddhist legends in there also, so if you'd be interested in reading that book as an extra credit project for class, just let me know (you'll see how the extra credit reading works starting in Week 2).

    And your kitten is GORGEOUS. Maybe you will want to add Lilly to the Class Pets Padlet! That's an extra credit thing too: Padlet of Pets (plus a link for all the Tech Tips... check out Twine there: it's a scripting language for storytelling! you might really like that; it's simple, but powerful too!).

    Finally: LONG LIVE NEIL GAIMAN. If you can channel any of his storytelling spirit into your work for class, we will all be the better for it! :-)

  2. Hi Alex! I think it is so cool what you are doing. It blows my mind you can build such amazing things! I never knew that ST. Patrick was the patron for engineering what a fun fact to learn. I too love tea and your kitten Lilly is as cute as a button. I wish you luck!

  3. Hi Alex!
    I love how involved you are with the college of engineering! I really wish I had gotten more involved in something like robotics, and I think it's really cool that you're teaching kids about programming and robotics! Also, Marcus Zusak is such an incredible author (my favorite book is The Book Thief, but I also like his other work), and your kitten is precious.

  4. Hello Alex! Those robots look awesome and I am for sure going to check out the robotics team website! I also am a bit of a nerd when it comes to science. I love biology and look to go to dental school after I graduate from OU! It's super cool that you want to go to grad school at CU Boulder. That is such a beautiful campus. I am applying to CU Dental school, so maybe I'll see you up there sometime!

  5. Hey Alex! I love the tidbit about St. Patrick and the green owls! I think it's really cool when seemingly normal parts of our lives have unique stories behind them, especially if those stories involve an epic prank war. Have you ever seen the Vlogbrothers on youtube with Hank and John Green? I used to love watching the two of them, and I read many of John's books growing up. I remember hearing that Hank had a book coming out, and I might just have to check it out! I also love Neil Gaiman; I remember being in a bookstore many years ago and picking up the story "How To Talk to Girls at Parties," which was my introduction to his writing. Tea and cats are both fantastic interests and Lilly is adorable.

  6. Hey Alex, I really enjoyed reading our blog post! Pretty dope that you work with robots! Also I love the picture of your cat. My roommate got a cat and I freaking love him to death. He's a little special cat but I feel like all cats have something a little special about them. Best of luck graduating! I know we are all trying to get out of here and it seems like every time you look at your degree sheet they seem to move the finish line.

  7. Howdy Alex, it’s cool to see someone who works with robots. I was once on a robotics team, but then I stabbed a competition bot in the knee. We also have similar majors, so that's interesting, I guess. I’m curious if I’ve seen you around. I see that you also seem to be good with microprocessors and programming, I’m rather envious.

  8. Hey Alex! I enjoyed reading your intro! Your cat Lilly is so unbelievably cute. Thank you for sharing about the feud between engineering and law. I had no idea. Also I'll be on the look out for those green owls. That's such a fun story. You seem to be very involved and passionate about all that you do. That's very inspiring.

  9. Hi Alex! First off I love your name! I am also an engineering major. I am in computer engineering. I have seen a lot about the robotics club and never ended up joining though. I think robots are really cool since you can program them to do so many amazing things. I can't wait to see where AI will take us also. I wasn't familiar with the the engineering prank war; I found it to be hilarious. Your classmate Alex

  10. Hi Alex!
    CU Boulder is gorgeous. If you end up there, I hope you love it. My best friend is transferring there next semester, so she can be closer to home. I am going to go with her there during spring break, so I'll let you know how it is.
    I have heard nothing but great things about Hank Green's book. I hope it is as good as the hype and he is as well spoke as his brother. If so, that is a talented family.

  11. Hi Alex! I think it is so awesome that you are graduating soon and seem to be so passionate about what it is that you are going to be doing! I also love that you work with kids and teach them about coding and robots. You seem to keep yourself busy and are very involved! I'm more of a dog person, but have found myself slowly warming up to cats because a few of my friends have cats and my roommate also has a cat! Your cat is too cute! I love the picture you posted of your cat!

  12. Mountains, camping, and skiing. Yeah those aren't the most bountiful thing that you can find here. Good thing you are trying to go Colorado for grad school, because I have heard there are more of those types of activities up there. I had no idea about St. Patrick being the patron saint of engineers because he's well known for something a little different from engineering. Anyways, I will now be on the hunt for random green owls!

  13. Hey Alex! It's awesome how involved you are in your major. You seem like you're really motivated and know what you want to do in the future. I also think it's really cool that you take the time to teach kids about coding and robots. I can tell that you are really passionate about what you do. Also your cat is so cute!

  14. Dude, robots are so cool. It's so cool to hear that they've become your passion, hobby, and hopefully in the near future your livelihood! Social media is gonna be this society's doom in my opinion. Also, you're right, Oklahoma lacks mountains to hike, but if you like hills that can pass as a "mountain" you should check out the Wichitas.

  15. Hey there, Alex! I think it is so cool that you have a passion and understanding for robotics. I have never been very good at building things or making technology work, but have always been envious of people who do. My brother was always the one in our family who would fix things and plug things in... even if I do always beat him at whatever video game we're playing! I also think it is so cool that you can sew... when I'm in a show (i'm a music major) I could definitely put that skill to use on costumes and buttons on my tux jackets!

  16. Hey, Alex! It’s cool you’re an engineer; My boyfriend is studying Electrical Engineering.
    He’s also a fan of Neil Gaiman too. I would read more often but classes keep me busy.
    I usually spend my free time giving my brain a rest by watching Netflix. I’m not a huge cat fan, but I do have two corgis. I hope you get into CU Boulder!!

  17. Hi Alex!

    It is nice to meet another fellow engineer! I, however, am a chemical engineer, so I totally related when you said "with any luck, I will graduate this semester". I saw that every time someone asks me my expected graduation semester. "If everything goes right, I will graduate on time!" They think I am joking, but I am dead serious LOL.

  18. Hello Alex,

    I found your story about the prank wars between the Law students and Engineer students really interesting. I wonder how many years ago these "wars" took place? Also, how did this good natured rivalry between the two begin? Is it still going? Ill have to ask around, I know it can be hard responding to these comments. How awesome it is that you build robots! This must be a really exciting time to be in this field. It seems that technology and robotic technology in particular is really growing. It must be very exciting for you!

  19. Alex, I think that it is super cool you are into robots. I have always been fascinated with how robots work and what we can do with them, but I have spent little time trying to figure out how they work. I thoroughly enjoy reading and will have to take the current books you’re reading into consideration when I need a new book to read!

  20. Hi Alex,

    It is great to meet you! I respect engineering majors so much. My friend is about to graduate from the College of Engineering, and I have seen her consistently work so hard. It is so cool that you love robotics and have the opportunity to closely work with things you are passionate about. I have never been a huge reader, but as I have gotten older I have acquired more drive to read. Do you have any great suggestions you would recommend?

  21. Hi Alex,
    It was really cool to read your blog, I found out somethings I never would have like the owls eye! I wish you all the best at CU Boulder or any grad school in that case, funny enough I am actually writing this comment in Denver! I think it is great you are teaching kids about what you love, I think it is important that it comes from someone young like us that they can look up to and ask questions without fear!

  22. Howdy Alex,
    I am so jealous you may be attending CU Boulder. I love Colorado because I love to ski, and Colorado is a goldmine of beautiful nature. I did robotics for a few years in middle school, but it just was not my thing. I think it is great that you really enjoyed it and found a lifelong interest in robotics for yourself. I also think it is great that you are so involved in the university. Also, I just wanted to say Lilly is gorgeous. I have always loved cats with that coat pattern. Well, good luck on the ladder half of your studies this semester, you are almost to the finish line!

  23. Hi Alex!
    I think it is so cool that you are so passionate about engineering! My major is international studies, so my classes are probably very very different from yours. One thing that we have in common though is working with kids! I love working with kids and I think it is so cool that you like to teach them the beginning of coding and robotics.

  24. Hey Alex, I think your passion for engineering is awesome. I love seeing people in college truly wanting to succeed in what they love to do and its inspiring. I thought your intro including the part of the frog legend was a nice addition because it was something I am sure many readers have never herd of before and it its very interesting to learn things like that.

  25. Hey Alex, I think its super cool that you're so into robots and so passionate about engineering. That's definitely what college is about. To be honest, I have no clue what those words under the robots mean, or how to even make sense of the pictures but they look tight. I think your cat is adorable. She looks like such queen in that picture. Look forward to reading your stories. Have a good semester, man.

  26. Your story about the green owls caught my attention. Of all things that have stuck around, it's that prank. It's cool that you're a part of that world. I also enjoy reading and sewing, so I can relate to that. Except, I typically focus on quilts. So, I guess technically I should just call that quilting. Also, all the luck to you with engineering, that is so beyond me.

  27. Hi Alex, I just got done reading you tale about the royal elephant and his cat friend. It now all makes sense as to why you chose to replace the dog with a cat! Grad school at CU Bolder sounds SO fun! My favorite place is Colorado and sometimes regret not going to school in the state. How fun would it be to go to class and then ski on the weekends?! Also that is so impressive you do so much with robots! Way to be a head if the curve of the future!

  28. Hi, Alex! I think it’s so cool that you’re majoring in mechanical engineering. I actually admire engineers a lot, because I tried going down that route but it wasn’t for me. So I decided to opt out and do something else that I liked! I don’t think that I’d be any good around robots! Furthermore, I just wanna say that I’m really impressed with what you’re doing and good luck on graduating!

  29. Hey Alex, I think it is awesome how you are majoring in mechanical engineering! I really liked the pictures you posted because I can't tell you are passionate about it. I also liked how you are very involved and interactive outside of school with your major. That is pretty awesome what you are trying to pursue! Good luck on graduating and I wish you the best!


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