Week 2 Reading Overview

I will read Narayan's Ramayana. I like that it can be traced back to an original Sanskrit version. That's really neat! I prefer a story that is more close to a novel. I think having a ton of different writing styles within the same story would be kind of jarring. I also appreciate that there is a detailed reading guide to help me navigate the story. I find reading guides often encourage me to take a closer look at things I may have skimmed over before, and to take new perspectives I may not try on for size otherwise.

One of the comic books that caught my eye is "Guide: Tales of Durga". When I was younger, I read a book series called "Tiger's Curse", which draws on Durga's mythology. I would love to further explore her mythology, and get a new understanding of the books I read before. Another comic that looks interesting in "Guide: Ganga". I know the Ganges River is sacred because of its connection to the goddess Ganga, but that's about all I know. I would love to learn more so I can understand why this river is sacred enough that people will make long pilgrimages just to bathe in its waters.

One video that looks interesting is the "Indian Pantheons: Crash Course World Mythology #8" video. I am already a huge fan of Crash Course videos, and I am a person who appreciates a broader view of what I'm learning about. I like seeing how things connect, instead of interacting with everything in isolation. I am also intrigued by the video "Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology". I loved the Harry Potter books and movies. I know it is really common for media to allude to religious mythology. Does J. K. Rowling allude to Hindu Mythology?

I love this picture of a temple of Ganesha because of how bright and festive it is. 


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