Reading Notes, Goddess Padmavathi

The goddess Padmavati, shrouded in red lotus.

  • Bhrigu tasked with finding most supreme of the trinity
    • Shiva was consorting with his consort
    • Brahma didn't answer. thinking Bhrigu was after his son
    • Vishnu was fast asleep
  • She was laying on his chest, and also got part of the kick
    • Not "In his chest because she was in his heart"
  • Lakshmi was pissed at his arrogance and left
  • Vishnu couldn't bear to be without her, left heaven, and wandered earth
  • Worshipped Lakshmi's image in a temple
  • He was told to go do penance for 12 years worshipping Lakshmi, then she'd forgive him and reunite with him
Bibliography: Goddess Padmavathi


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