Week 8 Progress

I was looking for the classic "Hang in there" kitty poster, but this called to me by name. Lol.

I am of two minds about my progress in this class. On one hand, I am on track to get an A in this class, which is lovely. However, I am also only on track to get an A. I will have a class that takes up the last third of the semester, which I have failed previously and am retaking in order to graduate at the end of the semester. It's fairly time-intensive, as is this class, and I had been hoping to finish this class early so that I could focus my time on that class. However, I have struggled to find the time to do enough extra credit assignments to finish early. My weekly routine is fine, though I do have a habit of not starting my assignments until the night they're due, which can occassionally lead me to missing an assignment. I'm not sure about the late policy, so I haven't even attempted to submit a late assignment. I'm pretty happy with my blog and website, thouugh.

If anything, I would like to try and get ahead a little bit again. I can try over spring break. That will help with my other goal of starting assignments before the night they're due.


  1. Alex,

    I love the image you chose for this post! I can absolutely relate. I feel like "hang in there" has basically been my motto this entire semester. I also understand feeling like you do not have enough time to do extra credit assignments offered throughout the week. I have endured similar trials. I have found that aiming to do one extra credit in addition to the assignment you have due a particular date has somewhat helped me to get more extra credit assignments completed.


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